My North Star is Reputation

It's funny, but there's this one thing that everyone I meet seems to have in common – they all want to get better.
One of the coolest parts of being a communication coach is that I get to collaborate with and learn from some of the brightest and most motivated individuals out there. It's a two-way street; we both learn from each other, forming a true partnership. And, like any good working relationship, we both walk away from our interactions a little wiser.
I've had the privilege of working with top-notch people from various industries, and I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your unwavering support and encouragement as I've built my business over the past few decades. You might not even realize the profound impact you've had on me. Thanks a million!

Marian Timoracky
CX | Market research | Consumer insight | Branding | Marketing Communication | Speaker
Marian Chrvala and his Talkflow concept could be summarised with triple I. First I stands for innovation - I can't image meeting Marian without his iPad. Second I represents inspiration - it's not just about English language, but also about communication strategies and natural flow of language. Finally, the third I, defines his distinctive and individual approach. Our sessions are, always, I stress ALWAYS, turning round business topics which are inherently interesting for me and I can't help enjoying them.

Peter Kompalla
Executive Director at German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce (AHK Slowakei)
It is a tremendous pleasure to write this recommendation for Marian. I met Marian in September 2019, right when I took over responsibility for fostering German-Slovak business relations. Marian is among the best supporters I have had in become aware of the manifold cultural differences between Slovkia and Germany. He was an active and conceptually refined contributors to strategy for marketing and communication; his input was of outstanding quality, thought provoking and incisive.

Hey Marian
I just wanted to let you know that your hard work with me was worth it and I finished my Bachelor degree. I wanted to let you know :-)
Jakub Vajo
I had a basic understanding of English as an average student from Slovakia, but I was struggling with choosing proper words and I felt stressed out while talking. I was frequently stuck; it took me too long before saying what I wanted. After joining the classes via Zoom, my self-esteem went up a lot, I learned how to handle pressure and think in English with ease. On top of this, my school presentations went from boring and confusing to interesting and inspiring. Of course, my grades in school for presenting and speaking improved a lot and I felt much more comfortable. I don’t regret that I started studying with Marian and I am of course going to continue with him, I highly recommend him. I like Marian’s approach, he is empathetic and friendly, and that really suits me well.
Peter Ponist
.NET Developer
I am happy to recommend Marian, an exceptional English teacher and communication coach. Marian’s guidance was instrumental in helping me navigate the complexities of the English language and the nuances of effective communication.
Natalia Havlova
In this way I would like to thank Marian for his help in overcoming the fear from speaking. Before the meetings with him I had a big issue with speaking in front of other people. I did not feel confident and I always felt nervous, because I was afraid about my grammar that I did some mistake. Now I feel stronger and more comfortable in English language. I think that thanks to Marian I do not have problem to solve some issue in English. Meetings with him are not only about the grammar or vocabulary, but about the topics which are interesting for both us. Marian is not like a teacher of English who teaches only grammar, he is like mental coach and he teaches about the real life. If you search someone for talking and for improving in something, I would recommend Marian. You will definitely see progress.

Reiner Martin
Executive Director At National Bank Of Slovakia
Although I don't need to speak Slovak in my job, I was keen to learn at least the basics. Marian was recommended to me by a colleague, as someone who could not only help me with the language but also introduce me more generally to live in Slovakia. After working with Marian for almost a year, I can fully subscribe to this. Marian is an excellent guide for anyone who wants to immerse him or herself into Slovak language and society. He is also a great communicator and communication advisor. I found the time spend with him very productive and fun at the same time. Many thanks Marian, for all your efforts, help and advice!
Dominik Porvažník
Chief Of Staff To The Prime Minister Of The Slovak Republic
Marian's mentoring has totally changed the way I think about leadership and what it takes to be a true leader. In my career prior to meeting Marian, I always maintained a results-oriented managerial philosophy, demanding my colleagues to deliver and finishing every task no matter how difficult it was. I realized, right away, after the first session with Marian, that it was my responsibility to focus more on the people in my team and how to empower them to do their jobs better. To create a safe space where they can express themselves freely without any fear of being judged by other people for their feelings and thoughts. To understand their circumstances and career paths and support them in their further growth. The most important thing I've discovered as a manager and as a good leader is that at the heart of it all is knowing your WHY. In order to be successful, you and your team must share a common vision, values you and your team will understand and agree upon, and execute with each other. This might sound simple, but it really isn't. Becoming and being a great leader is a long journey. However, there is no other way than to start and no better equipped and experienced guide in our region than Marian. Marian, thank you for eye-opening conversations. You helped me to understand how complex but also how inspiring a true leadership can look like.

Radim Babiak
Marian, you say on your web that your coaching “… won't change your life. But it'll get you more of what you want.” Marian you are wrong. Now that I got accepted at Maastricht University I’ve realized you actually changed my life. All those little things you taught me and more importantly encouraged me to do (because doing is more than knowing) helped me realize that small consistent improvements make a huge difference in the end.
Marek Urban
Performance Consultant & Life Coach
My biggest challenge was to simply and clearly communicate how I help my clients, why I do it and how they benefit from our cooperation. I am confident at doing my job, but I was terrible at speaking about it, sharing it and felt even worse at doing marketing around it. After our session with Marian, the fundamentals of communication started to make sense to me. I learnt HOW to talk about what I do in a language that is simple yet to the point and seen from my clients' perspective.
Thanks to Marián I was able to create a complete wording for my new web, so that my clients can benefit from it. Texts that we created will be used on my social media accounts to clearly communicate about my mission and be valuable. Most importantly I am now more skilled and confident in any communication interaction, so that makes me more valuable for my clients and people I get in touch with. Regardless whether it is in person or online. Marián is great at clarifying your message. If you want to get your message across and make it stand out yet still human, you just found the bridge between you and the customers you want to serve. And finally, the cooperation with Marián is not about completing one project, but rather about the knowledge we earn, the positive energy we get from it and lastly who we become after the project is done.
I am grateful for that.

Zuzana Kolejakova
Mariana nam odporucil manzelov bratranec v case, ked sme hladali niekoho, s kym moze mat nas takmer 10rocny syn individualne hodiny anglictiny online. Po anglicky vedel zo skoly v zahranici, ale popri anglictine v statnej slovenskej skole sme chceli, aby si udrzal naucene a naucil sa aj nieco viac, lebo zlepsovat bolo co. Od prvej hodiny bol velmi spokojny, lebo Marian vedel pripravit hodiny tak, aby boli zaujimave a zabavne. “Usil” temy na mieru podla toho co nasho Andreja zaujima a pochopil, co su temy, ktore ho zaujmu este viac. Pustali si videa, riesili ine sposoby pocitania matematiky,.. dieta ani nevedelo, ze sa uci. Bolo to kreativne, vesele a edukativne zaroven. Pomahal mu aj s pripravou na prijimacie skusky na novu skolu, kam ho prijali. Marian je vesely a dobry ucitel, a ktorym sa deti nenudia.
Mgr. Tomáš Tuma
projektový manažér METRO Bratislava, a.s.
V mojom profesionálnom živote som nemal skúsenosť s hodnotením podriadených. Mal som obavy z napätia a reakcie kolegov pri prezentácii kritiky. Vďaka Mariánovi zo mňa čiastočne opadli obavy, keďže som si vedel predstaviť viesť rozhovor tak, aby som odstránil negatívne emócie a vniesol do rozhovoru objektivitu. Následne sa zlepšila moja komunikácia s kolegami, efektívnejšie komunikujem a riešim problémy. Ak Vám môžem poradiť choďte do toho, budete efektívnejší, pokojnejší a profesionálnejší nie len v práci, ale aj v osobnom živote. Ak by som Mariana nespoznal pravdepodobne by som zvolil samoštúdium, čo by však zabralo násobne viac času aj síl.
Adela Jasenovcova
copywriter * content specialist * blogger * author * writer * editor * yoga teacher
Marián školil v našej digitálnej agentúre komunikačné zručnosti. Odovzdal svoje skúsenosti zodpovedne, komplexne a spôsobom, ktorý bol jasný a zrozumiteľný. Určite by som odporúčala využiť profesionálne služby komunikačného kouča, ak potrebujete zlepšiť túto oblasť, inšpirovať sa a zároveň získať nové vedomosti.
Zuzana Colton
Syn sa na hodiny veľmi tešil. Marián je schopný ucit veľmi kreatívne a zaujať pozornosť dieťaťa. Hodiny vedie takým spôsobom, ze pre dieta je to zábava ale zároveň sa aj veľa naučí. Učenie povzbudzujú aj zaujimave domáce úlohy, ktoré deťom dáva. Je s ním veľmi dobrá komunikácia, hodiny prispôsobí vašim potrebám a prianiam. Vie poradiť aj ďalšie zdroje na samostatné vzdelávanie. Určite odporúčam na doučovanie nie len angličtiny.

Bohdan FEDOR
Producer, podcasts and immersive sound.Former marketing director.
How can you make your websites “music”instead of “noise”? By filtering out the clutter & communicating simply. When you need someone to give your message structure & clarity, think no further. Marian can help you tell your story in a way that connects with your audience. He takes the notes and by following a set of rules & filters he changes them into something beautiful and meaning. Music.
Adam Pardel
Performance marketing I Content Marketing I Web Design I Social Media I PPC Campaign I Online Marketing I Development
We hired Marian to lead our internal communication excellence project which has been meant to increase our leverage of USP and the company/brand values. Marian was very precise, hard working, on time, with strong communication and organization skills. His role was to hear all the employee and co-workers, understand the issues and deliver proper questions and recommendations which help us communicate our brand more clearly to the world. We can definitely recommend Marian.
Ivan Košalko
You can't be anything you want to be - but you can be a lot more of who you already are.
Marian showed me how to simplify my way of approaching potential clients. He made my spoken language less scientific and we agreed to keep more advanced vocabulary for my articles. Without Marian’s support it would be for me impossible to redesign the presentation of my main business topic which is in the meantime more and more required by various audiences. His guidance during the process of creating compelling stories was invaluable indeed. If you need to sell yourself better, Marian will make YOU capable to do it. He does not give you everything on golden plate; he will teach you how to master communication eventually on your own.
Ján Dudáš
COO & Co-founder at SmartHead Co. | Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability online Media Enterpreneur
Can you deliver a presentation when the stakes are high? Can you storytell your business idea? Can you craft a clear & compelling message that resonates with your audience? Marian is the guy who can certainly help you. He is passionate, he knows his craft and he is a dedicated coach. He did a great job navigating us through different communication concepts, distilling our core values & building our brand. We also rehearsed with him the pitch for our investors, and, together we worked on our Y Combinator application. All in English. Are you looking for a challenger with a tactical insight? Look no further.
Anna Bezakova
Medical Director at Merck Sharp & Dohme
Marian is an extraordinary person who showed me a different approach to English lessons and it was something I hadn't experienced before. His passion helped me to understand that improving communications skills in English is not just about learning grammar or vocabulary, but, about being engaged in English speaking environment relevant to my professional career. I really appreciate his coaching skills and ability to bring and discuss up-to-date information from healthcare area. I have learnt a lot from him and spent amazing time with him.
Israel Llorens
Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning and Big Data Engineer
Me siento agradecido de haber conocido a Marian como profesor de esolvaco durante mi periodo en Develogics. Gracias a el, he conseguido que mi nivel de comprension, lectura de texto y comunicacion se incrementaran hasta niveles intermedios, partiendo casi desde cero. Marian es una persona activa, dinamica y con mucha experiencia en coaching. Espero en todo momento contar con su apoyo en un futuro cercano.
Ida Rusenova
Business Unit Lead at MSD
If you are thinking about having lessons with Marian... Firstly- you have to forget about your previous/typical English teachers or lectors... Secondly- you have to be prepare for new approach as Marian will be more for you, he will became your Mentor&Coach... and finally this helps you to develope yourself -not just as a improvement of your language skills... Based on this experience, we extended our cooperation also for my team- starting with workshop "Communication Excellence & Storytelling"- how to use it in business presentations. It helps a lot and change our thinking. Thanks and looking forward to future lessons& workshops!
Bronislava Kretikova
Experienced Sales Manager I Hospital Insights I Risk Prevention I Wound Management I Disinfection
At school, you learned grammar & vocabulary. Did you learn how to speak well? Learning how to communicate your message in English shouldn't be confusing or hard. And now, as a communication coach, Marian ensures that it isn't. In his sessions he distills the critical elements of presenting, speaking & storytelling in the business environment, so anyone can attract their ideal customers & sell more. If you’re looking for an inspiring, easy-to-apply tactics for written & spoken communication, look no further.
Viktoria Musilova
Student at University of Southern Denmark
I am really grateful to meet Marian at the time I needed to prepare for the University in Sweden. During our sessions we watched a lot of videos and he gave me several books on various topics. Not only I've improved my English skills but also I've learnt a lot about economics, politics and business. His lessons were really inspiring and exciting. Marian is an extraordinary and very friendly person and I know I can rely on him.
Mirka Hribikova
HR Business partner at MSD
Marian has a unique and attractive style of language and business coaching. His “2 in 1 package” is managed in the way and flow that students – senior managers - appreciate and value a lot. I also consider Marian as a knowledge bank of fresh, latest business insights. As a result of that his lessons offer great added value also to the company. What is really exceptional is his flexibility and pharma business insight, so the lessons are not only about the “language” but also real and relevant “content” talk. I would recommend Marian as a professional who can also challenge people being more accountable for their own development. Mirka Hribikova, HR Business Partner MSD Slovakia.
Monika Filipska
MSD Business Unit Manager Oncology
Marian is for me an extraordinary person with unique style of coaching and improving English. Thanks Marian I "discovered" new tips how to improve my English skills and communication skills in general. I appreciate also his flexibility and business insights. I have learnt a lot from Marian. Thank you Marian for all links, tips, articles which you send me on a daily basis.
Michal Badik
Business Development Director & Co-Founder at One Pharma s.r.o
If you are looking for someone who can help you to see things from different (new) perspective, who can support you in your business or make you more confident in general, then hire Marian.
I know Marian for more than 6 years and we´ve stared our journey because my English was crucial for my daily business and I needed to be significantly better.
But thing has evolved and today I can say that Marian is my coach, mentor and strong support. We moved from standard English lessons to more practical discussion around my business. He taught me how to change the style of communication or the way how to create and deliver great presentations. He also helps me with our marketing materials, campaigns and finally how to better understand the customers.
Matej Czuczor
Customer Experience | Brand Strategy & Identity | Communication | Brand Experience | Leadership | Company Culture
I met Marian in the most critical moment in my life. Since I wanted to study communication & design at university in Denmark, I was looking for somebody who could help me with my challenge. Marian immediately identified my language problems, suggested ways how to improve my communication skills and prepared for me a special study plan. Marian has a warm personality, I knew I could rely on him and he was always willing to help. We watched together a lot of videos and he gave me several books which were a great source of inspiration for me and I will come back to them again in the future. I fully recommend Marian to anyone who wants to improve English skills, learn how to sound more inspiring and, at the same time, discover the world of marketing communication and psychology.
Lubor Viest
Sales Manager at Accord Healthcare
Pán Marián Chrvala viedol moju odbornú jazykovú prípravu v angličtine od roku 2013 do roku 2015. Jazyková príprava spočívala v zdokonalení odbornej terminológie a konverzácie v oblasti medicíny, farmácie a marketingu. Jeho profesionálne vedenie zdokonalilo moju úroveň na samostatné vedenie odborných prezentácií v oblasti terapie chorôb CNS : Choroba Alzheimera, Parkinsona,epilepsia , depersie a psychotické poruchy,... ).
Pozitívom pre mňa bola aj jeho schopnosť prispôsobiť sa môjmu pracovnému režimu, vzhľadom na časté služobné cesty.
Vrelo doporučujem spoluprácu s Mariánom Chrvalom.
Peter Musil
Business Development, Health and Social Care Facilities at Atelier Hoffman
After many years of experiencing standard English lessons, Marian has finally brought a completely different concept of teaching English. Unlike others, he combines marketing and branding insights with language itself which makes my business life easier. Marian upgrades my grammar and offers very useful examples which are easy to understand and follow. His quick media monitoring combined with an apt analysis is the best I have ever seen. Also, what I like about Marian is his linguistic breakdown of speeches of the world leaders. Every session with Marian is time spent well.
Martina Šeligová
Marian is not just an English teacher but far more – personal coach who can uncover very quickly your strenghts and weaknesses. Encourages you to develop your particular strenght as well as works with your weakness as potential area for improvement. Lessons with Marian gave me courage in very important decisions in my career and the mirror he was showing me just clarified many aspects of my personality.
Thank you Marian !

Lubos Sirota
I have been cooperating with Marian for several years already. I have never looked at him only as an English teacher, but also as a very inspirational and creative person who is always capable of adapting to a new situation and is always ready to offer such a coaching session which keeps me interested and is not boring at all. One gets improved not only in English at his lessons, but also gets to discuss such topics which for me living a very busy life of a manager would stay hidden.
I presume his system of work as the most relevant into these modern times. He uses so many interesting sources, that help me to improve more skills than English only. One can have a deep discussion with Marian on all accurate topics, no matter if we speak of business, travelling, culture, or politicics. Topics which you normally do not find in an English study book.
As you can see from his web page, blogs and other articles, he is a very active person and we usually discuss his activities at our English lessons. There topics are pretty much identical to those I need for my everyday work of a manager.
Veronika Osvaldová
CEO at SmartHead - Corporate Sustainability
„In Asian culture, there's a story behind everything.“ This is Marian's favourite phrase that comes to my mind when I think of him and his TALKFLOW®. It´s rare that you come across such a professional and talented person as Marian. I have had a pleasure of studying The Art Of Talk with him for more than 6 months and I must say he really walks his talk. His personal values, what he says and how he acts, all is in harmony.
He has helped me not only with English language, but also with organization and verbalization of the vision and ideas of my company.
His invaluable tips regarding marketing and brand building, together with his RebelMouse Blog have brought a fresh perspective on my work.
I have been particularly impressed with Marian´s deep knowledge of Asian culture, philosophy and Korean language.
Above all, Marian has left a huge impact on my personal and professional life for which I am very grateful. He is a true asset for anyone who is looking for an individual approach to study of English and modern business concepts.
Maros Priganc
Consumer Business Unit Head Central Europe at Nestlé Skin Health
I truly enjoyed working with Marian. His passion, enthusiasm and dedication were by far not limited to language coaching only. Marian was constantly striving to match our lessons with building management skills, providing marketing tips, giving advice on networking and much more. It would be a pleasure to work with Marian again
Peter Nechala
Operations Continuity Supervisor I Project Manager I Sales Consultant I Presenter
Marian is a reliable proffesional who delivers great performance, which has been proven by a long cooperation with our company and super positive feedback of our clients on his language coaching. I do appreciate his pro-active approach and the interesting ways of his teaching methods. It has been a pleasure to cooperate!
Bohdan Fedor
Mall Group Marketing Director Slovakia
Better than English lessons, better than marketing coaching and definitely better than combination of both. Marian is a professional with deep knowledge covering psychology, marketing communication and branding. Strongly recommended for seniors looking for further English development in the field of marketing.
Miriam Trnková
Junior Consultant at United Consultants
Marian was my English coach for 6 months and in this time I had not only improved my English skills, but I also learned a lot about marketing trends and behavioural patterns of consumers. In his lively sessions we discussed interesting studies, videos and excerpts from books written by contemporary marketing gurus. What is really great about Marian's approach is that studying English with him feels very natural.
Robert Veres
Co-founder at Modrý Koník s.r.o.
If I had to choose just one word that describes Marian's coachingstyle, it would be PASSION. Regardless of the subject, he wasalways well prepared and gave his best in each session. Hegenuinely cared about my progress and never stoppedchallenging me to improve my English skills.
Peter Čimo
Senior Programmer at Bohemia Interactive
Marian was my English teacher for more than four years and his lessons were always interesting and moving me forward. Articles and vocabulary were picked very well for my job position and my interests, thus I always enjoyed the lessons. Moreover he shares all articles from the lessons on his blog with lots of other articles for home-reading. Due to the great lesson preparation, great teaching skills and personal approach, I can only recommend him.
Lukas Jagelka
Lead Programmer at Bohemia Interactive
When it comes to English coaching, Marian is the best coach I'veever had. The style of couching perfectly reflected my personaland professional interests. Sessions were always well prepared,interesting and full of fun. Thanks to Marian my English hasimproved significantly.
Dominik Martinicky
Specialitst at AT&T
Marian is the best English coach I have ever met. I need to speak English on a daily basis and it was him who finally made me confident in myself and my communication skills. If anyone is looking for a skilled English coach and is frustrated from traditional language classes where teachers cannot personalize their approach to every student, talk to Marian because he is the 'right guy' for the job.
Miroslav Liďák
Project Manager & Business Analyst
Marian’s tailor-made training methods go way beyond the standard language school lectures.A clever mix of up-to-date materials from the web reflected my field of work and professional needs. Not to mention, the focus of our meetings was not grammar as such, but business English skills and speaking strategies. Having attended Marian’s lessons I successfully passed a BEC Vantage exam at British Council and I confidently use English in everyday business communication. Delivering important presentations to the top management has become a breeze and I am able to defend my ideas in tough business discussions. Looking back, it was one of the best investments I have ever made and it has clearly paid off.
Marian Ferko
Senior 3d Artist
S Marianom v nasej firme spolupracujeme uz dlhe roky. Zdokonaluje nasim zamestnancom anglictinu na profesionalnej urovni. Temy koucingu vzdy prisposobuje profesnemu zameraniu danej skupiny, takze hodina je pre ludi vzdy putava a zabavna. Nenaucia sa iba cudzi jazyk ale aj mnoho dalsich dovednosti z oblasti politiky, biznisu, sveta technologii, prezitia v divokej prirode, horolezectva, fotografovania a zivota celkovo. Anglictina sa tymto sposobom uci prirodzenejsie, bez stresu, podvedome a s radostou. Rozhodne sa u nas o anglictine nediskutuje iba na hodine anglictiny.
Marcel van der Hoek
Country Managing Director ABB Bulgaria | Mentor | Leadership Development Enthusiast
Marian has well adapted to my Slovak language developmentneeds. The approach to discuss current topics in Slovaklanguage, so I can implement it immediately in dailyconversations works very fine.
Andrej Steiner
develogics® | software with sense
Marian ist einer von unseren besten Sprachtrainern und hatunsere Kunden wie Botschafter, Topmanager, Geschäftsführeru.a. als Sprachcoach (Englisch und Slowakisch) betreut.Aufgrund langjähriger Erfahrungen kann ich seine Leistungenbesonders empfehlen.
Barbora Gschwengová
sociálny pracovník ve společnosti Domov pre každého
Marian is an amazing English teacher. I look forward to studyingwith him. He customizes lessons regarding my interests. Unlikenormal school, learning with Marian is very dynamic andinteresting.
Kwan Bo Kim
eXiin Lead Character Artist
Marian shows quick and deep understanding in Korean languageby using his experience from other languages. Though there aresome challenges to go through all types of Korean grammar, hecan go through from daily conversations to complex businessconversations without any problem.
Peter Lidak
Certified Project Manager | Custom software development | Software solutions
Marian has been my English Language Coach for more than a year and thanks to him my English has dramatically improved. After negative experience with traditional language schools I can say I enjoy learning again. Marian's one-to-one coaching reflects my needs and interests. Our sessions are focused not only on the field of project management but we also discuss articles, videos and latest trends in areas such as marketing, psychology and economics. Marian is always in a good mood which is very addictive.
Zuzana R.
Medical student & Freelance Photographer
Marian, an unique person, who can make the process of learning interesting with depth of style and can help you to light up the flame in yourself. During our "meetings" he showed me many interesting tips and articles,books. Not just that I improved my English and communication skills with him,but he also encouraged me to start my own things.Based on my schedule , he´s pretty flexible and has a "wide angle" (I would say in Photography.) I am thankful that I could meet a person like him. Thank you Marian ,for your interest in a client and everything.
Emil Myjavec
Strategy planner
"Marian´s interest in marketing trends and customer experience is what differentiates him the most. During lessons we discussed case studies, books, speeches... from top marketers and influencers. This approach of learning/coaching is not only effective, but truly inspiring."
Guido Glania
Economic stability for our region.
Marian is passionate about teaching and full of positive energy.He makes learning fun and an enriching intercultural experience.Klobuk dole!

Linda Lopčianska
LEAF Academy Student, Bratislava
Before attending Marian’s classes I had troubles expressing myself in English. I wasn’t confident about things I wanted to say or how to say them. I always felt nervous when speaking in front of other people. I struggled with choosing the right form of an essay or a speech. I quickly mastered all of the tricks with an ease. Not only have I dramatically improved but also learned some valuable lessons about life in general that I will forever remember. The lessons were always fun and easy-going and there was no reason for me to feel anxious and therefore my growth was even bigger. If you’re looking for just an English teacher this is not for you. This is so much more than that. It’s not only about the language but also about personal coaching with the added value. In my opinion definitely go for it!
Rastislav Binder
Value, Access & Policy Senior Manager at Amgen
Marián je iný, originálny, jedinečný učiteľ angličtiny a coach. Inakosť v jeho osobe a prístupe je vo všetkom čo robí v rámci prípravy hodín angličtiny ktoré sú následne zároveň aj hodinami efektívnej komunikácie a caochingu = 3 v 1. Presne toto som hľadal keď som sa chcel zdokonaliť nielen v angličtine ale aj v komunikácii a v Mariánovi som to aj našiel. Všetko toto robí Marián s nadhľadom, rozhľadenosťou a extrovertnosťou ktorá je mu príznačná. Ukáže Vám ako sa pozerať na situácie vo Vašom živote a práci iným neštandardným spôsobom čo je zároveň spojené s výučbou angličtiny a čo bude následne Vaša nezaplatiteľná skúsenosť a výhoda – nielen sa zdokonalíte v angličtine ale keď ju budete využívať budete sa snažiť v nej aj myslieť. Odporúčam Mariána všetkým ktorí sa chcú nielen zdokonaliť v angličtine ale zároveň aj ako business a komunikačného coacha.
Marian Rovenský
Osobny pristup, siroky rozhlad a vzdy dobra nalada. Aj tieto slova odzneli, ked mi Mariana odpurucil kamarat na sukromne hodiny anglictiny. Velmi rychlo som mohol dat tymto slovam za pravdu. Konverzacie anglictiny boli sucasne konzultaciami na temy internej komunikacie a riadenia zamestnancov, marketigu ale aj projektoveho riadenia. Marian dokaze velmi prijemnou formou odovzdat svoje know-how a skusenosti, k comu vzdy pribali obrovsky balik roznych zdrojov a materialov na dalsie rozsirovanie obzorov danej temy. Vysledok? Pre mna bol Marian jednoznacne spravna volba a kazdemu zaujemcovi ho s cistym svedomim odporucim.

Aurel Medvegy
Complete SaaS in 4,000 hours | Java Developer | Effective Microservices | Google Cloud | Connected Ecosystem Founder
Odkomunikovať komplexné riešenie v zrozumiteľnej a zároveň v krátkej podobe pre publikum je vždy výzva. Marian mi pomohol vytvoriť rámec, pomocou ktorého sme vytvorili webový obsah a prezentáciu. Zároveň tento rámec je použiteľný aj pre budúce prezentácie. Môžem iba odporučiť.
Florin Vodita
Spolupráca s pánom Mariánom Chrvalom bola pre mňa úplne nová skúsenosť, ako sa dá pristupovať k učeniu a zdokonalovaniu sa v slovenskom jazyku. Výber a prispôsobovanie aktuálnych tém bez použitia tradičného spôsobu výučby a literatúry, bolo pre mňa veľmi pútavé a motivujúce. Každé stretnutie bolo konverzačne a konzultačne zamerané na konkrétne príklady z mojej praxe, čo vnímam ako najväčší prínos pre môj rozvoj.
Pána Mariána Chrvalu odporúčam nie len ako trénera, ale aj ako plnohodnotného partnera pre výučbu slovenského jazyka.
Tomas Kubacka
Product Manager at ASBIS SK, spol. s r.o.
With Marian there were always great English lessons: innovative,interesting, dynamic and topical. Very good job.
Mag. Yvonne Janko
Heaf of branch at OBERBANK AG
In our one-to-one training focused on communication skills, Marian proved to be an open-minded, outgoing and yet professional language trainer and therefore I recommend him to anyone who wants to improve in the area of business English language.
Filip Jelinek, MENG
I must salute to Marian’s people skills. His intense all-encompassing creative and enjoyable approach to English, made
me develop each of my language skills evenly and motivated me to grow my fondness for English beyond the realms of a simple classroom. Marian’s determination and attitude were
a great eye-opener to me. Thanks to the versatility of used materials, Marian’s coaching will satisfy every taste, whether of a future technologist or a businessman. I hope many more students will have the privilege of being taught by Marian and share my enthusiasm and gratitude for the priceless time spent together.“
Marian´s style of teaching English is totally
different from the traditional boring classes you have experienced
at your secondary school. Lessons with him were both exciting
and motivating for me. The selection of up-to-date topics in combination with
his excellent people skills and clear explanations are a guarantee of a quick progress.
If you want to pass your school leaving examination
and shine in your class, just study with Marian.
Thanks to Marian and his coaching skills I am more self-confident and fluent in business English. Marian's enthusiastic personality and charisma make him an outstanding language coach whom I fully recommend to everybody.
마리안 흐르발라는 저의 슬로박 선생님입니다.
항상 긍정적인 마인드로 적극적으로 가르칩니다. 마리안과 공부하는 동안 저의
슬로박은 큰 진전이 있었습니다. 마리안에게 배운다면 유쾌한 마음으로 공부할 수 있을
것입니다. 지금은 또한 저의 베스트프렌드가 되었네요.
S Marianom absolvujem kurz anglického jazyka. Oceňujem najmä vysoko profesionálny prístup a metódy výučby, ktoré však zároveň dokážu zaujať a riešiť individuálne jazykové potreby, ktoré odo mňa vyžaduje moja profesia.
Thanks to Marian's passionate approach I have dramatically improved my English and I feel more comfortable when conducting
business in English. I regard Marian as an experienced language coach who I fully recommend to those who want to brush up their language skills and boost their self- confidence
SOne-to-one language coaching with Marian brings many wonderful benefits. It's dynamic, effective and more interactive than other traditional language courses. It offers fresh perspective on business topics while still focused on the transfer of language knowledge and business culture..
Mariána poznám už viac než štrnásť rokov a za svoje jazykové znalosti vďačím práve jemu. Hodiny nikdy neboli monotónne.
Témy vyberal s ohľadom na najnovšie správy zo sveta z rôznych oblastí a neraz som informácie z hodín angličtiny využila aj v bežnom živote. Marián ma však naučil oveľa viac než len cudzí jazyk. Naučil ma dochvíľnosti, precíznosti, ako sa správne vyjadrovať v písomnej i slovnej komunikácii v angličtine, a tak mi skutočne dal možnosť uplatniť sa v dnešnom neustále súťaživom svete.
Zuzana Kolman Šebestová
CEO METRO Bratislava a.s.
Mariána som stretla v čase, kedy som sa cítila veľmi neistá v pozícii líderky, nevedela som ako túto pozíciu uchopiť, ako prevziať zodpovednosť za svojich zamestnancov tak, aby som nenapáchala nenapraviteľné škody. Pomohol mi jasne sformulovať moju víziu a ukázal mi ako ju mám dennodenne komunikovať ostatným. V krátkom čase som za pomoci Mariána implementovala množstvo zmien, ktoré napomáhajú rastu v našej spoločnosti. Každú hodinu sa kúsok po kúsku posúvam bližšie k líderke, akou chcem byť. Cítim sa sebavedomejšie v manažovaní ľudí, komunikujem jasne a otvorene, reagujem rýchlejšie a moje okolie si to všimlo.
Michala Kozakova
When I accepted the leadership position I understood that to move the company forward and make a better team I’m going to need some support.
Then I met Marian. Besides improving my English, our discussions about leadership communications helped me to get better as a leader.
He open my mind and helped me reconsider many things. I learned how to look at business problems with new perspective, I understood how to leverage the power of company’s culture and how to listen and lead others. Marian doesn't just tell you what to do, but thanks to his rich experience he offers you several possible moves and you can pick the one that will suit you best.
Radim Babiak
I am a student at secondary grammar school who used to find it difficult to speak in English like many other students until I found Marian. My absolute biggest challenge before hiring Marian was that I wanted to study abroad. Now I realized that our sessions are much more than just basic English lessons and grammar. The way I look at studying and learning new stuff like reading books or articles has drastically changed. Consequently, my English has improved. I can speak fluently and present any idea in written or spoken form. There is much more of what Marian can offer. He showed me strategies such as marginal gains, Pareto principle or deliberate practice. His blog posts are a daily dose of inspiration. They are short but eloquent and there is always great lesson in there. If you want to improve in English communicating, presenting and get more ideas give Marian a try.
There are three responses to a piece of communication - yes, no, and WOW. WOW is the one I aim for. Let's get to work and clarify your message, shall we?