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You have something to say. I’m here to make sure the world hears it—loud and clear.

Stuck finding the right words to bring your vision to life? You're not alone. It drives me crazy to see great people with great ideas being ignored just because their communication sucks. Learn how to speak and write in plain English. And sell like hell. No, it won't change your life. But it'll get you more of what you want.

It’s obvious, but let’s talk


Why communication coaching? Well, because your competitive advantage lies in saying what others might not, can't, or won't say. We’ll work side by side, bouncing ideas and pushing boundaries. It's fun to jam. You take the lead and I’ll be your trusty sidekick. That’s how you’ll hone your comm chops and add a bit of unique flair to everything you do.

Great Communicators Are Made. Not born. 

Zuzana Kolman Šebestová
CEO METRO Bratislava a.s

“Marián mi pomohol jasne sformulovať moju víziu a ukázal mi ako ju mám dennodenne komunikovať ostatným. V krátkom čase som s jeho pomocou implementovala množstvo zmien, ktoré napomáhajú rastu v našej spoločnosti."

 This is me 

If I can’t make it perfect, is it OK if I try to make it better?

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Can't win their hearts & change their mind?

Ask the right questions, earn respect, and build teams that win


Dreading that speech next week?

Add some spice to your slides. And make ideas obviously awesome


Is your sales copy getting ignored because it's boring?

Trim the fat. Write choppy copy everyone gets.

Business leaders come to me to improve their comms without losing their soul in the process

 This is me 

Chasing lessons that are sweet to read and sticky as hell?


You can’t always get what you want, but there's a way to increase your chances of a ‘yes’. 

The TL;DR...

Studying world's top communicators & sharing lessons learned.

​The Full Story...

Mostly, I'm your thinking partner. I help you find your voice, tell your stories, and explain your things. My blog, website and sessions focus on turning the science of communication into something anyone can get. I work with people who care and I deliver two things over and over: I’ll tell you the truth, with no BS, and then I’ll love you to death. I'm all about making the complex simple, the dull dazzling, and the bland bold. I always come to share what I know with the hope of hearing what you know because I want to learn too.

My Pledge

I, Marian Chrvala, hereby swear to abandon all fear; to question everything; to trust in myself; to honor those before me as I excel, and to support those who follow as they ascend. I swear that I will never accept another’s standard for success, as I set mine one measure higher. When I am finished, no one will ever fucking look at communication the same way again.

Get in touch. 

Mgr. Marián Chrvala

Tel.: +421 903 124 201


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